CHAS is Scotland’s national children’s hospice service. They care for children with life-shortening conditions and their whole family, wherever they are in Scotland. They also provide emotional and bereavement support for the whole family when sadness and grief can make dealing with every day life a struggle.
All of the Hospice’s services are given completely free of charge and with only a proportion of their funding coming from the Government, this is only made possible by the ongoing support and kindness from the local community.
Local Hospice Lottery is a not-for-profit weekly lottery that helps provide hospices across Great Britain with a regular and sustainable income. In 2020 for each £1 entry in the weekly draw Local Hospice Lottery gave an average of 68p to hospice care – that’s substantially higher than other good cause lotteries, such as The National Lottery or The Health Lottery. Since 1997 Local Hospice Lottery has contributed in excess of £39 million to hospice care. You can play the Local Hospice Lottery in support of Children's Hospices Across Scotland.
Prizes & odds of winning
How Proceeds are Spent and Odds of Winning
In 2020, £9.17 million was raised from ticket sales, with 3% spent on prizes, 12% spent on administration and management and 17% reinvested to recruit new lottery members. The remaining 68% was given to hospice care – an amazing total of £6.28 million. Based on estimated draw-entry numbers, the likelihood of winning a prize in the weekly draw is, on average, 1 in 960. Similarly, for our March & September Super Draws the likelihood of winning a prize is estimated at 1 in 1,175 and for our Xmas Super Draw is 1 in 4,335.
How winners are determined and prizes allocated
On joining you will be allocated a unique game number(s). Winning game numbers are selected from the unique game numbers of all players entering the draw by using licensed Random Number Generator (RNG) software. The player with the first game number randomly selected wins the £2,000 prize (or the £10,000 prize if a Super Draw). All other prizes are then allocated in the same sequence as the game numbers are drawn. As part of this process, the £1,000 prize in the regular weekly draw will either be won or rolled over to a maximum of £25,000.
Read Ruby's Story
Ruby is a little girl from Scotland who lives with her mum, Pauline and her brother, Riley. Ruby was born after only 32 weeks and could not breathe on her own. She now needs, and will always need, round the clock care which can only be offered by Children’s Hospices Across Scotland (CHAS).
“For me, it was always a dearest wish to be a mum. So the day I found out I was pregnant was one of the best days of my life. And for the next 32 weeks, everything seemed to be just perfect. But then the doctors started to raise concerns. Ruby wasn’t able to swallow, so my amniotic fluid was building up dangerously. Then, one terrifying Sunday evening, I was rushed into an emergency room and given a caesarean section.
“The weeks and months that followed were brutal. There’s no other word for it. Ruby wasn’t moving and couldn’t even breathe without a ventilator. When a doctor told me she would never even be able to smile I felt my heart break. It was as if the happiness and joy we’d longed for were disappearing before our eyes. In that moment my prayers for Ruby changed from, ‘Please let her be ok,’ to ‘Please let her live… please give us time.’ When we took Ruby home, things got even tougher. I felt so alone and vulnerable.
“I have all the love in the world for my little girl, but there was just no way I – or any mother – could give her the intense, specialist care she needs and deserves all on my own. Thank goodness I didn’t have to. Children’s Hospices Across Scotland have quite simply been our lifeline. From the moment I met them, I knew they really understood how incredibly special my Ruby was, and that they would care for her as much as we did. I felt safe and supported.
“I know I’ve been lucky. Having the support of CHAS has brought the joy back into my family. But all over Scotland there are hundreds of families like mine – families with children who need intense, specialist, 24-hour care – who are having to cope alone.”