Children’s Hospices Across Scotland (CHAS)

CHAS is Scotland’s national children’s hospice service. They care for children with life-shortening conditions and their whole family, wherever they are in Scotland. They also provide emotional and bereavement support for the whole family when sadness and grief can make dealing with every day life a struggle.

CHAS are committed to making sure that, no matter how short a family’s time together may be, that it is time filled with happiness and fun. They give children experiences they cannot have elsewhere – to feel the wind and sunshine on their faces, to sparkle, to laugh, and to have those memorable moments of joy – moments that will be treasured forever.

Services include:

Rachel House

Rachel House, in Kinross. Rachel House has a range of facilities including a hydrotherapy room, large accessible garden and lots of areas for relaxing and fun. It also has areas for reflection, bereavement support and care.

Robin House

Robin House, in Balloch. Robin House has a range of facilities including a hydro pool, art room, den and large accessible garden and lots of areas for relaxing and fun. It also has quiet areas for reflection, bereavement support and care.

CHAS at Home

The CHAS at Home team care for children and young people in their own homes across Scotland in between hospice visits or when they are too ill to travel. Generally the support is short term but it is regularly assessed to ensure it meets the needs of each individual family. For families who live in isolated areas in particular, the service is a lifeline.

CHAS in Hospital

Diana Children’s Nurses work alongside NHS staff, and with other care staff, to provide clinical leadership and support in the planning and delivery of palliative care. By working together, families can have a greater choice of care about where and how their child can be cared for, whether it’s in hospital, at home or in a CHAS hospice.

Virtual Hospice:

This pioneering service launched just weeks into lockdown in 2020, and allowed CHAS to bring the hospice into the homes of families across the country. It has adapted throughout this year to the needs of the children and families; consisting of online activities and therapeutic interventions, including storytelling sessions, music therapy, play therapy, and social contact with trained volunteers.

How playing the Local Hospice Lottery helps CHAS

Each week, three children die in Scotland from an incurable condition and right now CHAS can only reach one of them. However, they are determined to reach them all and that means, quite simply, that CHAS needs to raise more money. Only then can they keep the joy alive for every family as they face the hardest challenge of all. Profits from the Local Hospice Lottery help towards their running costs and provides a regular stream of income which CHAS can rely on receiving, each and every month. Not only does this help to provide essential care and support to local families right now, it also enables CHAS to plan and develop their services for the future.

In 2023, £13,644,000 was raised from tickets purchased by players supporting all participating hospices, with 2% spent on prizes, 12% spent on administration and management and 19% reinvested to recruit new lottery players. The remaining 67% was given to hospice care – an amazing total of £9,163,000.

Local Hospice Lottery will give between 60% and 80% of profits from individuals playing in support of CHAS to CHAS. This is expected to be at least £3,000,000 over five years from April 2024.

For more information about the services provided by CHAS:

Call: 0141 779 6180

Children’s Hospices Across Scotland (CHAS) is a registered Scottish charity, registration No. SCO19724

Play the lottery in support of Children’s Hospices Across Scotland (CHAS)