Princess Alice Hospice

Princess Alice Hospice provides quality hospice care for people living in Surrey, Middlesex and south west London. They provide a comprehensive range of services that respond to the individual needs of patients and their families so that they can live life to the full, create memories, share special moments, and, when the time comes, support them through, before and after the death of a loved one.

For most people, there’s only one place they want to be at the end of their life – at home. Being in familiar surroundings with the people (and pets) we love is important to most of us. So it’s not surprising that, at any given time, they are caring for around 1000 patients in their own home or care home.

As a hospice, Princess Alice Hospice believes that everyone has the right to skilled, compassionate end-of-life care. That’s why their services are free of charge, although reliant on the support and fundraising efforts of their local community.

How playing the Local Hospice Lottery helps Princess Alice Hospice

Profits from the Local Hospice Lottery help towards Princess Alice Hospice running costs and provide a regular stream of income which they can rely on receiving, each and every month. Not only does this help to provide essential care and support to families in and around Surrey, Middlesex and south west London now, it also enables the Hospice to plan and develop their services for the future too.

In 2023, £13,644,000 was raised from tickets purchased by players supporting all participating hospices, with 2% spent on prizes, 12% spent on administration and management and 19% reinvested to recruit new lottery players. The remaining 67% was given to hospice care – an amazing total of £9,163,000. Local Hospice Lottery will give between 60% and 80% of profits from individuals playing in support of Princess Alice Hospice to Princess Alice Hospice. This is expected to be at least £1,400,000 over five years from August 2023.

For more information about the services provided by Princess Alice Hospice and the other ways you can help:

Post: Princess Alice Hospice, West End Lane, Esher, KT10 8NA



Call: 01372 461808


Princess Alice Hospice is a registered charity no.1010930
and a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales no.1599796.

Play the lottery in support of Princess Alice Hospice