How to play

Local Hospice Lottery gives its players a great chance to win, whilst also enabling them to make a real difference to children and adults affected by cancer and other life-limiting and life-threatening illnesses in their local community.

Who benefits? You choose

When joining Local Hospice Lottery, new members are asked to specify which hospice they would like to support and therefore receive a share of the proceeds from each £1 they spend.

Since 1997 Local Hospice Lottery has contributed in excess of £65 million to hospice care. In 2023 for each £1 entry in the weekly draw Local Hospice Lottery gave an average of 67p to hospice care.

In 2023, £13,644,000 was raised from tickets purchased by players supporting all participating hospices, with 2% spent on prizes, 12% spent on administration and management and 19% reinvested to recruit new lottery players. The remaining 67% was given to hospice care – an amazing total of £9,163,000.

The share of proceeds depends on the number of members playing for each hospice and Local Hospice Lottery will give between 60% and 80% of profits to the hospice of the player’s choice to help fund the care of people affected by life-limiting illnesses in that area. For information about the hospices supported by Local Hospice Lottery  click here.


*If the £1,000 prize is not won, it rolls over each week to a maximum of £25,000!! (Excluding Super Draw weeks, where the £1,000 prize will always remain £1,000.)


How many chances can I have and how can I pay?

One chance in Local Hospice Lottery’s weekly draw costs just £1 and players can increase their odds of winning by having more than one weekly chance if they wish. Anyone who resides in Great Britain, providing they are aged 18 or over, can play and take part.

Although Direct Debit is our preferred method of payment (as it helps to keep administration costs to a minimum and reduces the risk of you missing a draw) you can also choose to pay by Cheque (minimum payment levels apply), or Debit Card, should you prefer. (please note: we do not accept Credit Cards)

If you would like to change your method of payment, or the amount of lottery chances you hold, at any time, you can do so by simply contacting us on FREEPHONE 0800 316 0645 or by emailing

What happens after I’ve joined the Local Hospice Lottery?

Once your details are input onto the lottery system and your new membership is set up – a unique game number is randomly selected and allocated to you. This unique lottery game number is then registered within the system against the player’s details and will remain exclusively theirs for the duration of their membership. Game numbers are never re-allocated. All of the player’s future payments will be allocated to this number and, every week that the game number is in credit, entry into the weekly draw is guaranteed.

A welcome letter, together with a membership card detailing the player’s unique game number and some further information about Local Hospice Lottery and its beneficiaries, will be posted to all new members within 5 working days of signing up. A member of our Customer Experience Team will also try to make contact with you by telephone, to welcome you to the Lottery and check that you have received everything OK.

The draw is run every Monday (with the exception of Bank Holidays where the draw will take place on the next working day) and all of the winners are randomly generated (prizes as detailed below), with £1 being deducted from all participating players respective game number(s). All winners are notified automatically via post, so there is never any need to ‘claim’ prizes or worry about checking the weekly winning numbers. However, the weekly winning numbers can be viewed in many of the hospices’ charity shops, or by visiting the ‘Results’ page on this website by clicking here.

Three Super Draws, which players are automatically entered into (providing their game number/s are in credit), are also held every year. As well as offering the above prizes, the Super Draws also have an additional guaranteed top prize of a whopping £10,000!! Super Draws take place during the last weeks of March and September, as well as the week before Christmas. Read more about the Super Draws here

Please visit the ‘Prizes and odds of winning‘ page to find out more about the prizes on offer, how they are allocated and your odds of winning.