Terms & Conditions
Choosing the hospice you wish to support
Local Hospice Lottery provides funds for hospice care throughout different parts of Great Britain. A list of the hospices which benefit from Local Hospice Lottery is available on the ‘Hospices supported’ page on our website at www.localhospicelottery.org/hospices-supported/ or upon request. The application completed by players as a request to join this subscription lottery will be used to identify the hospice that the player wishes to support.
How your regular chances support local hospice care
Local Hospice Lottery gives between 60% and 85% of its profits from each entry to the hospice that the player has chosen to play in support of. They can see how much this is expected to be for their chosen hospice by clicking on their hospice within the ‘Hospices supported’ page on our website at www.localhospicelottery.org/hospices-supported/.
Further information on how much is raised annually and how that money is spent, is available on the ‘What your support means’ page on our website at
www.localhospicelottery.org/what-your-support-means/ or upon request.
Joining the lottery
Entry is open to all residents of Great Britain aged over 18 but excludes Local Hospice Lottery staff, fundraisers and directors and Farleigh Hospice Trustees. On receipt of a request to join this subscription lottery, the Local Hospice Lottery office will send the player a welcome letter advising the player’s unique game number (or numbers); a subscriber card for easy reference; and further information about Local Hospice Lottery and how the player’s support benefits hospice care. This information will clearly identify the hospice the player has chosen. The player’s unique game number will be generated randomly by our lottery software during the process of setting the player up as a new subscriber.
Local Hospice Lottery Ltd (the Promoter) may reject an application, or later suspend or cancel an existing subscription, at their discretion, if they consider they have sufficient reason to do so in pursuance of meeting the terms of their licences with the Gambling Commission or any other legal obligations. The applicant or subscriber would have the right to appeal against such a decision. Any unused credits held by Local Hospice Lottery Ltd would be refunded to the applicant or subscriber in these circumstances.
Lottery subscriptions
In return for the player’s subscription payment the player’s unique game number will be entered into the weekly draw, which will normally be carried out every Monday (with the exception of Bank Holidays where the draw will take place on the next working day). The cost of entry is £1 per entry per draw, payable in advance. Local Hospice Lottery is required by law to collect payments in advance of all draws. ‘Back payments’ cannot be accepted. Payments can be made by regular standing order, direct debit, cheque, or debit card (credit cards are not accepted). See the ‘Standing Order, Direct Debit and Regular Debit Card Payments‘ section for more details about payment options. Local Hospice Lottery cannot accept liability for the loss of, delays in, or theft of any communication sent either by post or email, or for any delays in the banking system.
Weekly prizes
1 x £2,000 prize
1 x £1,000 prize
1 x £100 prize
8 x £25 prizes
190 x £10 prizes
All prizes are guaranteed to be won each week, with exception of the £1,000 prize, which has a 1 in 10 chance of being won. If the £1,000 prize is not won, it will roll over to the next regular weekly draw and accumulate to a maximum value of £25,000. The current value of this prize is updated on our website every week at www.localhospicelottery.org/results/.
Three times a year, on the last Monday in March and September and on the third Monday in December, a Super Draw replaces the regular weekly prize structure with the following prizes:
1 x £10,000 prize
1 x £2,000 prize
1 x £1,000 prize
1 x £100 prize
8 x £25 prizes
190 x £10 prizes
All Super Draw prizes are guaranteed to be won in the week the Super Draw takes place.
How winners are determined and prizes allocated
Winning game numbers are selected from the unique game numbers of all players entering the draw by using Random Number Generator (RNG) software supplied by a company licensed by the Gambling Commission.
The player with the first game number randomly selected wins the £2,000 prize (or the £10,000 prize if a Super Draw). All other prizes are then allocated in the same sequence as the game numbers are drawn. As part of this process, the £1,000 prize in the regular weekly draw will either be won or rolled over, to a maximum of £25,000.
Chances of Winning
Local Hospice Lottery is a subscription lottery and the odds of winning vary each week depending on the number of £1 game numbers entering the weekly draw. The higher the number of players the greater the amount available for hospice care. Information about the most current estimated odds of winning can always be found on our website at www.localhospicelottery.org/prizes-and-odds-of-winning/ or provided on request.
Publication of Prize Results
The player will be notified in writing of any prize that the player wins within seven days of the draw. A payment for the prize amount will be sent directly to the player via cheque or bank transfer. Our winning numbers are published weekly on our website at www.localhospicelottery.org/results or are available on request by email or via post if sent with a stamped addressed envelope. A number of the hospices that Local Hospice Lottery works with may also publish the results on their websites.
Uncashed Prize Cheques
Cheques are valid for six months from date of issue. Any cheques that are not cashed after six months will be deemed to be cancelled and treated as a donation to the hospice the player has chosen to support.
Customer Funds
Local Hospice Lottery is required by its Operating Licence to inform customers about what happens to funds which are held on account in the unlikely event of Local Hospice Lottery becoming insolvent.
Customer funds are held by Local Hospice Lottery in a separate UK bank account with Lloyds Bank Plc and are subject to financial management controls which ensure that the balance on the account always remains above the total value of customer funds held.
These funds are not protected in the unlikely event of insolvency, and the customer will not be able to access any such funds in this eventuality. This meets the Gambling Commission’s requirements for the segregation of customer funds in the category of “Not protected – Segregation of customer funds”.
For more information, see www.gamblingcommission.gov.uk/guidance/customer-funds-segregation-disclosure-to-customers-and-reporting/the-customer-funds-insolvency-ratings-system.
Local Hospice Lottery complies with the data protection legislation requirements to protect the player’s personal data for the purposes of administering the player’s participation in the weekly draw and communicating with the player about the player’s subscription. Local Hospice Lottery will also keep the player updated on existing lottery products that the player may be interested in, including the Super Draws, as well as new products and services by post, email or phone. Local Hospice Lottery will not share the player’s data with third parties for marketing purposes, except with the charity of the player’s choice. Depending upon their expressed/indicated communication preferences, the player’s chosen hospice may occasionally keep the player up to date with the work that the player’s contributions help to fund.
To view our Privacy Policy please visit www.localhospicelottery.org/privacy-policy. This policy is also available upon request.
Age verification
The requirements of the Gambling Act 2005 mean that Local Hospice Lottery has a statutory duty to verify that all players are at least 16 years old. It is an offence for anyone under the age of 16 to participate in a lottery. However, Local Hospice Lottery, as part of its commitment to responsible gambling, has set a higher minimum age of 18 years for all new players joining since January 2020.
Discovery of underage participation will result in the refunding of all subscription credits and, if applicable, the withholding or reclaiming of any prizes won in the draw. By submitting the player’s request to join this lottery, the player is agreeing to Local Hospice Lottery being able to carry out checks in any way it deems appropriate.
Standing Order, Direct Debit and Regular Debit Card Payments
The player’s written authority is required to set up a regular payment using the standing order method, unless the player chooses to liaise directly with their bank, in which case we request that a quoting reference (supplied by us) is added to the player’s mandate. Direct debits can be set up in writing, on-line, with one of our agents or third party agents or via the telephone and subject to the Direct Debit Guarantee. The player can also set-up a recurring debit card payment when the player joins the lottery via Local Hospice Lottery’s website. We cannot accept credit card payments. The player’s standing order, debit card or direct debit record will be retained for a period of at least three years following the player’s final payment.
Payment Subscriptions
Players on a monthly subscription will pay £5 per month per game number. For months with only four lottery draws in them, the player’s extra £1 will be accumulated to give the player an entry into the Christmas draw which will take place on the third Monday in December each year. It is also possible to pay a quarterly subscription of £15, a bi-annual subscription
of £30 or an annual payment of £60 per game number.
Over a calendar year, providing that the player makes all scheduled payments that year, the player will accrue seven or eight entries into the Christmas draw, depending on how many Monday draws take place in that year. If the player joins part-way through a calendar year, this will affect how many Christmas draw entries the player accumulates.
If a payment is missed, any accumulated funds will be used to ensure entry into the next draw and will impact on the number of entries the player accrues for the Christmas draw.
If the player cancels their subscription before funds are allocated to the Christmas draw in December, any additional funds they have accrued throughout that year will be entered into subsequent weekly draws, and will not be used to provide additional entries into the Christmas draw.
Players whose first payment was received by Local Hospice Lottery before 23 December 2020
Up until 23 December 2020, Local Hospice Lottery operated a subscription of £4.34 per game number per month. This included 34p which accumulated and funded the extra weeks in 5-week months. Any players that remain with a £4.34 per game number monthly payment (or equivalent other frequency payment) will not accrue additional entries in the annual Christmas draw.
Players who transfer from another Hospice Lottery to Local Hospice Lottery after 23 December 2020
From time to time an independent Hospice may choose to cease their own lottery and benefit from the higher amounts that can be raised by Local Hospice Lottery for their local community. In these instances, existing players in these lotteries can be ‘transferred’ to Local Hospice Lottery. All transferring players will have the option to remain with their existing payment subscription and details on the transfer process will be provided in advance.
For players that pay £5 per month or equivalent, they will accrue up to eight additional entries in the Christmas draw (as described above). Any players that remain with a lower monthly subscription
(or equivalent other frequency) will not accrue additional entries in the annual Christmas draw. For the avoidance of doubt, irrespective of the chosen subscription amount, all players must pay £1 per entry per draw, payable in advance.
Debit Card or Cheque Payments
It is also possible for players to pay for entries without setting up a regular payment. We accept payments by non-recurring debit card or cheque. Where they have opted into making payments in this way, we will send them a reminder when their next payment is due. They can find out more about how to make these payments by calling 0800 316 0645.
If clearance fails on any card or cheque payment, Local Hospice Lottery will retract these credits from the player’s game number(s), and will seek to recover from the player subscriptions to draws already run. Pending this recovery, Local Hospice Lottery will withhold or cancel any prizes won by the player in these draws.
If a player wishes to cancel their subscription they may do so at any time. Please contact the lottery team on 0800 316 0645 or visit www.localhospicelottery.org/cancellations to complete and send the cancellation form. When they cancel their subscription, any funds previously paid to Local Hospice Lottery will be used to purchase entries in subsequent Local Hospice Lottery draws, until those funds are used up.
It is the policy of Local Hospice Lottery not to give refunds once the payment has been processed onto the lottery software. In the case of standing order payments where the player’s bank makes an error in relation to the amount or frequency of payment requested by the player, and over-subscribes as a result, a refund will be offered.
If a player leaves with a credit of less than £1 Local Hospice Lottery will treat such amounts as a donation to the hospice they have chosen to support. If a player who subscribes to Local Hospice Lottery via Standing Order contacts us to cancel their subscription we will update our records with the cancellation but inform them that they are responsible for cancelling their Standing Order with the bank. Should Local Hospice Lottery receive any further payments in this instance we will write to the player reminding them that they need to cancel the payment with their bank and confirming that if they do not do so any further payments will be treated as a donation to the hospice the player supports.
Entry into Draws
A player’s game number(s) will be automatically entered into each draw as long as their account is in credit. For the Super Draws, all extra tickets purchased are also included in that Draw. Should a player at any time wish to confirm that they have been, or will be, entered into a draw, please contact the Local Hospice Lottery team on 0800 316 0645, or email us at info@localhospicelottery.org.
Complaints & Disputes
Any complaints or disputes will be dealt with in accordance with Local Hospice Lottery’s current policies and procedures – a copy of which would be made available on request at such time. Local Hospice Lottery’s procedure for making a complaint can be downloaded from www.localhospicelottery.org/concerns-complaints.
In the event that a complaint or dispute cannot be resolved by these means, then it may be referred to the Fundraising Regulator or arbitration. As a member of the Hospice Lotteries Association and the Lotteries Council, dependent on the nature of the complaint, this may be conducted by The Independent Betting Adjudication Service Ltd (IBAS). IBAS can be contacted at www.ibas-uk.com.
Right to amend
The Local Hospice Lottery generally reserves the right to amend or modify these terms and conditions without notice. However, Local Hospice Lottery will aim to give all players in the weekly draw at least 28 days advance notice of any changes to the way in which the lottery operates. Such notice will be via our website or other communication channel as deemed appropriate by Local Hospice Lottery. It is the responsibility of the player to advise us of any change of address or of any other change to their details, as appropriate. Upon receipt of this advice, and any necessary verifications, Local Hospice Lottery shall amend the player’s details in accordance with data protection legislation.
Responsible Gambling
Local Hospice Lottery is a member of the Hospice Lotteries Association and the Lotteries Council, who on behalf of their members make financial contributions to GambleAware, an independent charity
tasked to fund research, education and treatment services to help to reduce gambling-related harms in Great Britain.
Further support can be found at www.localhospicelottery.org/gamblesafely and on the GambleAware website www.gambleaware.org.
Any requests to be self-excluded from Local Hospice Lottery – either by telephone, in writing, by email or completion of the form on the ‘Self-exclusion’ page on our website at
www.localhospicelottery.org/self-exclusion/ – will be actioned within one working day. Anyone wishing to use this facility will not then be able to participate in the Local Hospice Lottery for a minimum of six months thereafter. The required period should be stipulated within the request or will be verified by Local Hospice Lottery as part of actioning the request. The self-exclusion will also be notified to the supported hospice, to avoid any inappropriate contact being made by them.
Company Information
Local Hospice Lottery Ltd is registered in England and Wales (Company No. 3226004) at Farleigh Hospice, North Court Road, Chelmsford CM1 7FH and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Farleigh Hospice (Registered Charity No. 284670). Local Hospice Lottery Ltd is licensed and regulated in Great Britain by the Gambling Commission (www.gamblingcommission.gov.uk) under account number 4716. The person within Local Hospice Lottery designated as having responsibility for the promotion of the lottery is Local Hospice Lottery’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), who can be contacted at Local Hospice Lottery, The Barn, Glandfields Farm, Chelmsford Road, Felsted, Essex CM6 3LT.