Lewis-Manning Hospice Care

Lewis-Manning Hospice Care is a charity, helping people with life-limiting illnesses and their families across East Dorset. The Hospice promotes acceptance, hope and peace of mind in a safe and calming environment – helping people to live well throughout their illness and beyond. They aim to ensure that local people are given access to the support they may need to help them cope with their illness and the changes it may bring.

The money raised by people taking part in the Local Hospice Lottery helps to fund these essential services and enables Lewis-Manning Hospice Care to keep caring for local families, when and where they need it most.

How playing the Local Hospice Lottery helps Lewis-Manning Hospice Care

All of the services provided by Lewis-Manning Hospice Care are given completely free of charge and this is only made possible through the ongoing support of the local community. Lewis-Manning Hospice Care needs to raise over £7,000 every day to keep its services running.

Profits from the Local Hospice Lottery help towards the running costs of Lewis-Manning Hospice Care and provides a regular stream of income which they can rely on receiving, each and every month.  Not only does this help to provide essential care and support to local families right now, it also enables the Hospice to plan and develop their services for the future.

In 2023, £13,644,000 was raised from tickets purchased by players supporting all participating hospices, with 2% spent on prizes, 12% spent on administration and management and 19% reinvested to recruit new lottery players. The remaining 67% was given to hospice care – an amazing total of £9,163,000.

Local Hospice Lottery will give between 60% and 80% of profits from individuals playing in support of Lewis-Manning Hospice to Lewis-Manning Hospice. This is expected to be at least £600,000 over five years from April 2024.

For more information about the services provided by Lewis-Manning Hospice Care and the other ways you can help:

Visit: www.lewis-manning.org.uk
Email: enquiries@lewis-manning.org.uk
Call:  01202 708470

Lewis-Manning Hospice Care is a registered charity,  number 1120193

Play the lottery in support of Lewis-Manning Hospice Care