St Wilfrid’s Hospice Chichester
It has always been extremely important to support our local hospices, but today it is more important than ever before. Because of your weekly £1s, we are still running our weekly draw and able to generate a regular and reliable income that St Wilfrid’s Hospice can rely on. So THANK YOU!
Since opening their doors to their first patient in January 1987, St Wilfrid’s Hospice has cared for over 14,300 local people. At any one time they are caring for over 230 people throughout Chichester and surrounding areas, whilst offering support to their families and friends.
They provide support through their 14 bed Inpatient Unit, Day Hospice, Hospice at Home and Clinical Nurse Specialist teams who are based in the community, Bereavement Service, Rehabilitation, Spiritual Care and busy Education Centre. Last year, 850 new patients from Chichester and the surrounding areas were referred to the Hospice.
St Wilfrid’s Hospice’s teams work with local NHS services, GPs and community nurses, providing specialist advice on symptom control and pain management, as well as vital support for the patient and their loved ones. Support is given to St Richard’s Hospital to help provide the highest standard of palliative care to patients.
How playing the Local Hospice Lottery helps St Wilfrid’s Hospice
All of St Wilfrid’s Hospice’s services are provided free of charge. As they are not part of the NHS they rely on public support to help raise 87% of their annual running costs of just under £6.7 million. Profits from the Local Hospice Lottery help towards their running costs and provides a regular stream of income which St Wilfrid’s Hospice can rely on receiving, each and every month. Not only does this help to provide essential care and support to local families right now, it also enables St Wilfrid’s Hospice to plan and develop their services for the future.
In 2023, £13,644,000 was raised from tickets purchased by players supporting all participating hospices, with 2% spent on prizes, 12% spent on administration and management and 19% reinvested to recruit new lottery players. The remaining 67% was given to hospice care – an amazing total of £9,163,000.
Local Hospice Lottery will give between 60% and 80% of profits from individuals playing in support of St Wilfrid’s Hospice to St Wilfrid’s Hospice. This is expected to be at least £1,000,000 over five years from April 2024.
For more information about the services provided by St Wilfrid’s Hospice and the other ways you can help:
Call: 01243 775302
St Wilfrid’s Hospice is a Registered Charity, Number 281963