Oakhaven Hospice

For over 30 years, Oakhaven Hospice has provided specialist palliative care and support to those facing life-limiting illness and their loved ones, both at home and in the hospice setting.

Oakhaven’s vision – to make every moment matter – is achieved through a collaborative approach, working to combine support, research, education and partnership with those who share an interest in end-of-life care. Together with the vital support from staff, volunteers, donors and supporters, the Hospice continues to grow its services to meet growing demand, thus ensuring patients and their families receive expert, dignified, compassionate and supportive care when and where they need it.

This care is tailored to suit the needs of each individual and Oakhaven’s team of specialists includes nurses, doctors, counsellors and therapists, each offering support to people when they need it most.


How playing the Local Hospice Lottery helps Oakhaven Hospice

Profits from the Local Hospice Lottery help fund Oakhaven’s running costs and provide a regular stream of income which the Hospice can rely on receiving, each and every month. Not only does this help to provide essential care and support to families in and around New Forest, Totton and Waterside now, it also enables Oakhaven to plan and develop its services for the future too.


In 2022, £11.9 million was raised from ticket sales, with 3% spent on prizes, 12% spent on administration and management and 19% reinvested to recruit new lottery members. The remaining 66% was given to hospice care – an amazing total of £7.83 million. Local Hospice Lottery will give between 60% and 80% of profits from individuals playing in support of Oakhaven Hospice to Oakhaven Hospice. This is expected to be at least £900,000 over five years from June 2024.


For more information about the services provided by Oakhaven Hospice and the other ways you can help:

Post: Oakhaven Hospice, Lower Pennington Lane, Lymington, Hampshire, SO41 8ZZ

Visit: https://www.oakhavenhospice.co.uk/

Email: fundraising@oakhavenhospice.co.uk

Call: 01590 677773


Oakhaven Hospice is a registered charity, number 900215.


Play the lottery in support of Oakhaven Hospice