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Information about prizes, the way in which they are selected and the likelihood of winning a prize, is available now via 'Prizes and odds of winning'. Further information about the distribution of proceeds is also available via 'What your support means'.
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Promoter: Local Hospice Lottery Ltd, North Court Road, Chelmsford CM1 7FH. Local Hospice Lottery Ltd is registered in England and Wales (Company No. 3226004) at Farleigh Hospice, North Court Road, Chelmsford CM1 7FH and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Farleigh Hospice (Registered Charity No. 284670). The person within Local Hospice Lottery designated as having responsibility for the promotion of the lottery is Local Hospice Lottery’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) who can be contacted at Local Hospice Lottery Ltd, The Barn, Glandfields Farm, Chelmsford Road, Felsted, Essex CM6 3LT. Local Hospice Lottery Ltd is licensed and regulated in Great Britain by the Gambling Commission ( under account number 4716 and is a member of the Hospice Lotteries Association and the Lotteries Council through whom Local Hospice Lottery makes annual contributions to GambleAware (the leading charity in the UK committed to reducing gambling-related harms). For more information and advice visit
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