£10,000 Super Draw WIN donated to Isabel Hospice!

If you were lucky enough to win our £10,000 Super Draw, what would you do with all that extra cash?

Our lucky March 2024 Super Draw (and very generous) winner didn’t even have to think about that; on receiving the phone call to tell her she’d won, she decided there and then to donate every penny back to Isabel Hospice! 

She said, “I have been taking part in the Local Hospice Lottery for many years now. My interest in supporting the hospice stems from a friend whose husband spent the last few weeks of his life at the hospice. This was a massive support to him and also to my friend during his last weeks. Being part of the lottery is a great way to support this amazing charity. I never expected to win such a large amount of money, so I am very happy to be in a position to donate it back to support the wonderful work that is done at the hospice. Thank you for all that you do. It makes such a difference!”

Through the generosity of our players, hospices like Isabel Hospice are able to continue providing quality care and support to the local community.

Thank you!